Thursday, September 20, 2007

time ...

ok i just need to get this outta my head. i am not trying to explain anything to you outside of my own terminology lets just say this one is for me. maybe another post here will be of more interest to you but, how to give praise for to a mature for a blow job well received. i do apologize but someone gave me a few tips on how to get more hits to your blogsite .. and those words are a few so. nevermind them. let me talk about time.

time is mental. its the watch on your hand its the clock on the wall. and for those of us with true time guaging skills .. its the sun in the sky. but time is mental. all in our heads. sometimes individually and more often than not, collectively. time moves in one direction and memory moves in the opposite .. memory doesn't grasp a moment until time lets go of it.

it has been noted that marijuana squeezes out or frazzles and stretches the usual and ordinary sense of time. mary jane is time's worst enemy. i mean she does more than just ... take a dump on father time, she also helps many of those people who often need to pres pause on their lives. i know of many times i wish i could have pressed pause. will this blog bite me in the ass in 30 years? see there i go romanticizing time ... and its all in my mind.

"the 60's pop music, characteristically a psychedelic style [fueled by LSD] was ideologically ... hallucinatory, transforming concrete time and space into a higher realm of imagination and art. " i read that somewhere i think i am paraphrasing, but i wont take credit for summarizing the 60's so exactly ... so eloquently. i think it went on to talk about how humans are creatures of time, and slaves to it. willing slaves. we look at days and months and years, and that is what makes us age .. our perception of time. time will not be found on the periodic table of elements. ever wonder what that is all about? that means that no substance at its core has any relationship to time ... physically. though time may also belong to it ... even this is hard to grasp ... even while you are holding mary jane's hand.

time though not tangible is still physical. hmmm ever wonder what else could be what time can do? time .. once seriously studied, can be as hard to explain .. well hard for me .. but time finds itself classed with other things like the human mind, its soul .. its body. our bodies are [the temple of the God] and another text says our body is essentially just an aqueous suspension of giant organic molecules .. designed to defy gravity .. while gravity wield time as its weapon against us. who will win? stay tuned ...

our watches .. our seiko's and rolexx's and casio's all have a similar rhythms. but we still follow those rhythms differently. we let it seduce us ... those rhythms control us more than i think.

1 comment:

BabyDevil82 said...

Hello Lover, I have the irrepressible urge to write so I decided to write something where your eyes would see it and probably not anyone else I know. The wheels in my mind don't turn the same way yours does, my mind is definitely more selfish and self absorbed. I brood not on time or issues, but on the twists and turns of my mind and whether this is the day I shall loose my mind. I ask myself questions like why do I cling to sanity and am I really sane. I'm Alice falling down the rabbit hole. Where's my white rabbit to help me get back home. It doesn't matter all these metaphors etc. Just a waste of space, a waste of words, a never ending cycle repeating what's been said and what's been done. Am I a waste of space I would prefer to think not, but sometimes the darkness comes crawling and says that I am. That I have no real purpose, so I fight it and I occupy my time, I twiddle my thumbs and hum a tune, drink a drink and pretend the darkness isn't beckoning. I'm not crazy just empty.