Saturday, July 4, 2009

I was ill, but I am still getting better.

for quite some time now, western medicine/culture has been engaged in a cold war battle with eastern medicine/culture. the reason for it, although necessary, has not been looked at, to enhance a unified value system of both medicine and culture. the fight is elementary and invisible. modern day sherlock holmes would be no more important than ... what-his-indian-face name again.

the amount of information humans are not aware of is enough to stop his heart, if it was to be tried to be applied to his normal body. no, a normal body and a brain can only be aware of 'so much'... evolution has it's safety precautions seemingly still in place. [i mean no disrespect earlier, but i have not been made aware yet of many western teachers who were masters of wisdom and vessels of enlightenment].

the internet will be that which our minds now, cannot imagine will transform the generations of our future. it is with deepest sincerity that i apologize for not being able to create a video form [following this example] however as soon as i acquire more information i hope to connect audio, visually, and lithographically ... or writing .. i don't know the term, catographically ... lol. in english until i understand Sumerian and possibly keep record in that form.