about 7 days ago i heard a comment so innocent it seemed at that very moment believable and hold on a minute let me fact check it. the time that actually takes place between one sentence and the next can be alarmingly high. the stories i can tell you ... but i must try to remained focus ... anyone who can should read about canadian politicians. good stuff in there but the comment was that canada has had three prime ministers in a ten year span.
the person making the comment was an astute fellow head banger i met in a dive while surfing the net for free airfare to [invasion of privacy and deleted ed. s.m.
but a political turnover as huge as that ... has to come from the amount of attention the citizens are paying to the people in their politiks [left in ed s.m.] thats alot of attention. thats the amount of attention that is near total ... and near total attention is what seems to be the only thing that makes the system of politics more efficient, to a level that only leads ''consumerism'' left ... to be dismantled from the inside of course, maybe someone sees another way, but i been fighting consumerism please dont make me type that word anymore ... i been fighting it (please note i would love to say that for the rest of the story whenever i say i was fighting an it .... i'd like for the reader to be well aware that i dont want to type that word again so i am not .. i dont care if i already typed it and all i have to do is cut and paste ... i am not cutting nor pasting, i am simply saying it.
i been going on too long now and the amount of time that passes between a paragraph seems to be enough to get a girl pregnant and lose about 8 years of time. its alot of time .. is all i am saying, dont think differently. and if you do. then good. for you. me i got no plane to catch so i'll be here all night. i never thought about that. the internet is where anybody can always be found at ... my ip address is marked. it might be a good thing ... maybe i should pay more attention to that. instead of voting for awhile. as well as my unopened internet bill. as you see i will be fighting 'it' for a long time to come.
i only did that it like that because even if you are ADD it should now register for always the its's you will see in the future.