anna nicole: 'noun' - um the lady who cause alot of reporters and news teams from foreign stations to come here and take lots of video footage and investigations and interviews. and she's dead now, but her legacy (... is that the right word) lives on. maybe she is immortal or at least someone has granted her at least 4 years of fame after she dies. we are in year .. um one.
the bahamas' response: um, (do i have to type um) ... it seems kinda arbitrary but anyway for the moment. um the bahamas' has a way of mixing religion, politics, and drinking (usually alchohol) into ... um everything. as far as anna is concerned, i think we mixed the first two in pretty easily, but i wasn't invited to the funeral or 'wake' or (whats the thing afterwards) um reception. but wait theres more.
maybe i am out of my league (trying to analyze this whole situation) this really doesn't matter though. or does it? i work near the city of nassau, maybe in the city ok like i work in proximity of the reporters and rawson square and ... the geographical location doesn't matter. but i often walk pass the people who [aren't] responsible for all the glitz and drama surrounding anna's death, her son's death, and her baby's future with one of four (or is it five now) wow. what does that say about anna again?
let me try to phrase this as basically and truthfully as possible. we a doing our best to sympathize with a playboy model, who seduced and possibly used an elderly gentleman (made him happy though) while seeing many other guys. so much so that they all figure they can stake a claim to being a father ... of a terribly young baby. thats like realizing that one woman sleeps with four (or more) guys within the space of maybe a month. is that ... um worthy of ... further discussion.
so anyway this reminds me of an analogy me and my boys were struggling with. maybe a response could help. whats the difference between a slut a whore a skank a trick a prostitute a harlot or a bitch? this small paragraph is not really a part of the others but it might help clarify some things that were floating in my mind.
back to anna. i watch tv. i hate tv. but i watch it. i travel with my iriver media player and i seem only to use it when i am on some line, or in a lobby where the tv is on and while others are forced to watch fox, cnn, or or msnbc, i turn to my player and tune out the BS. i wish one of their reporters woulda stopped me. 'hey sir, what do you think of the way your government is handling our anna's affairs' to which i rehearsed several times my response 'um anna nicole ... yeah i never found personal pleasure in her pictures'
so, lets see. is the bahamas wrong? and the bahamian politician close to the situation, looks ... bad. i mean its not something i woulda stopped myself from doing .. hey i am a guy, she's sexy i woulda snapped a few pics for posterity. i woulda hung out. i dont think i woulda accepted money from her. or get her set up so ... mysteriously, magically quickly. um politics is not my forte. and analyzing it, though fun, can be quite a tiresome quarrelsome undertaking. and its 10 pm and i'd rather be sleeping (or drinking)
life is weird. the bahamas isnt a beach but sometimes i think the world acts as if thats where we are educated. there's alot to learn on a beach. (i wont go into those lessons now) you would have to be here to understand. waitaminute we are supposed to mix drinks somewhere in this story, behind me is the bar and i think i came prepared so enough blogging for now.